Dr. Zuriati Ahmad Zukarnain
University Putra Malaysia
Professor Dr. Zuriati Ahmad Zukarnain is a Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and information Technology, University Putra Malaysia. She hold the position of the Deputy of Dean at the Faculty of Computer Science and information Technology, University Putra Malaysia. She received her PhD in the area of Quantum Computing from the University of Bradford, UK in 2006. In research she has more than 100 publications in international journals, 22 publications in Conference Proceedings, 20 research grants (16 completed and 4 in progress), 4 patents, and 4 software copyrights. She gave many invited and contributed talks in international conferences. She participated in the organizing committees of several international conferences. She is one of the member of the editorial board of 4 journals. She also supervised 12 PhD students as main supervisor, and I was involved in the supervision of 18 other PhD students. There is no doubt that she is an established researcher at an international level. Prof. Zuriati is the founder of ZA Quantum Sdn Bhd, the start up company from University Putra Malaysia to produce a software designing tool for Quantum Communication known as Quantum Communication Simulator(QuCS). QuCS is web-based application interface of ‘’drag and drop†using “Software as Servicesâ€. Recently she has been awarded as Distinguished Woman In Computer Science at 4th Venus International Women Awards - VIWA 2019. More proudly, the software won each one gold award and a special award at 2016 International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada. Prof. Zuriati also won the outstanding ‘World Woman Science Grand Award at the 3rd World Scientist Awards (WSA) 2016 in Seoul, South Korea. She bagged the award from her research which led to the creation of an innovative product in the field of science – Quantum Communication Simulator (QuCS) – which was subsequently commercialized. She also won an 'Innovative Inventor Grand Award' for 'Order of Merit: Information Technology' at the 5th World Inventor Award Festival (WIAF) 2016 - a show of recognition for her creative and innovative product, QuCS, which involved the transfer of technology. It is the highest appreciation for recognizing female researchers who have been successful in highlighting significant incompatibility products thus contributing significantly to the world.
Research Interest
Professor Dr. Zuriati Ahmad Zukarnain research interests include: Developing Cashless Payment System based on Blockchain Technology, Efficient multiparty QKD protocol for classical network and cloud as well as the load balancing in the wireless ad hoc network, quantum processor unit for quantum computer, Authentication Time of IEEE 802.15.4 with Multiple-key Protocol, Intra-domain Mobility Handling Scheme for Wireless Networks, Efficiency and Fairness for new AIMD Algorithms. At the international level, I have been actively involved as a member of the editorial board for some international peer-reviewed and cited journals.