Douglas YUNG
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Douglas Yung earned his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics from UCLA in 2003 and a Ph.D. in Bioengineering from Caltech in 2008. He worked as a NASA Postdoctoral Fellow at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California on sensor development microfluidics, and bacterial spore viability. He joined the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as an assistant professor in 2009. He is intrigued by biosensing and electronic interfacing with living cells. On the biosensing side, his research group is developing technologies for rapid viability assessment of superbugs using a combination of electrochemical, optical techniques and MEMS devices. His team is also developing methods to interface living microbes with electronics at a micro- and nano-scale.
Research Interest
BioMEMS devices, Biosensors, Interface science, Astrobiology, Microbial fuel cell, Sterilization technology